Microeconomics studies how individuals, firms and governments make choices when faced with scarcity of resources.
Free online textbook: Microeconomics from OpenStax
Grades: HWs (+course participation for group study students) 80%, 1 final project 20%.
Modules, readings, homeworks
1. First principles, tradeoffs and choices Ch. 1, 2
- Introduction to Microeconomics
- Scarcity & Choice – youtube
- Resources-youtube
- Opportunity Cost – video
- Cost-benefit decision with Paul Solman – video
- Graph review – youtube
- Models & Theories -video
- The Hockey Stick of Human Prosperity
- Division of Labor: Burgers and Ships
- How the Division of Knowledge Saved My Son’s Life
- Intro to economics -educator.com
- Homework 1 – doc file
2. Supply and demand Ch.3
- Market in simple terms
- Demand – youtube
- Change in Demand vs Change in Quantity Demanded – youtube
- Supply – youtube
- Market Equilibrium – youtube
- The Demand Curve
- The Supply Curve
- The Equilibrium Price
- A Deeper Look at the Demand Curve
- The Demand Curve Shifts
- A Deeper Look at the Supply Curve
- The Supply Curve Shifts
- Exploring Equilibrium
- Does the Equilibrium Model Work?
- Supply and Demand Terminology
- Markets in Kidneys: A Moral Case
- I, Rose
- A Price Is a Signal Wrapped up in an Incentive
- Markets Link the World
- The Great Economic Problem
- Information and Incentives
- Speculation
- Prediction Markets
- Homework 2 – doc file
3. Price controls, taxes, consumer/producer surplus Ch. 4
- Price Ceilings
- Price Ceilings: Shortages and Quality Reduction
- Price Ceilings: Lines and Search Costs
- Price Ceilings: Deadweight Loss
- Price Ceilings: Misallocation of Resources
- Price Ceilings: Rent Controls
- Price Floors: The Minimum Wage
- Price Floors: Airline Fares
- Why Do Governments Enact Price Controls?
- Price Controls and Communism
- Consumer & producer surplus – Khan academy
- Price Floors and Price Ceilings – youtube
- Valuation – consumer surplus, willingness to pay
- Commodity Taxes
- Who Pays the Tax?
- Tax Revenue and Deadweight Loss
- Subsidies
- Wage Subsidies
- Deadweight loss – Khan academy
- Deadweight loss of a tax on a graph – video
- Is Santa a deadweight loss? – economist
- Price controls – crash course
- Homework 3 – doc
4. Elasticity Ch. 5
- Elasticity of Demand
- Calculating the Elasticity of Demand
- Elasticity of Supply
- Elasticity and Slave Redemption
- Applications Using Elasticity
- Price elasticity – youtube
- What determines elasticity – youtube
- Elasticity with Paul Solman – video
- How to calculate elasticity of demand – video
- Elastic Demand: Definition, Formula & Examples
- Inelastic Demand: Definition, Examples & Quiz
- Homework 4 – doc file
5. Consumer choices Ch. 10
- Diminishing Marginal Utility – video
- Consumer equilibrium – video
- Budget constraint – mru.org
- Introduction to Consumer Choice -mru.org
- Marginal utility and budget lines – Khan, watch entire module
- Thinking at the margin – learn liberty
- The science of persuasion – our behavior influenced by others
- Altruism– are we selfish creatures? vsauce
- Dan Ariely asks, Are we in control of our own decisions? – TED
12 Cognitive Biases Explained – our biased decisions, 10min
The Endowment Effect – one more bias
Network externalities – affect our choices
- Homework 5 – doc file
6. Cost and industry structure Ch. 11
- Accounting Costs vs. Economic Costs – youtube
- Short Run vs. Long Run Production – youtube
- Producer Theory, profits – youtube
- Fixed and Variable Costs – youtube
- Cost Curves – youtube
Production decisions and economic profit – khan module
- Diminishing returns – youtube
- Do we really need all those diagrams? -youtube
- Pizzanomics – NYTimes on costs of production of pizza
- Economies of scale and watermelons -video
- McDonald’s game – example of a production process
- Homework 6
7. Perfect Competition Ch. 12
- Market Structures -video
- Revenue, profits, price – crash course
- Perfect Competition – youtube
- Maximizing Profits – youtube
- Introduction to the Competitive Firm
- Maximizing Profit Under Competition
- Maximizing Profit and the Average Cost Curve
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Increasing Costs
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Constant Costs
- Entry, Exit, and Supply Curves: Decreasing Costs
- Perfect competition at Khan Academy -khan
- Minimization of Total Industry Costs of Production -mr
- The Balance of Industries and Creative Destruction -mr
- Homework 7
8. Monopolistic competition, monopoly, pricing Ch. 13,15,16
- Monopoly -youtube
- Deadweight Loss from Monopoly -youtube
- Maximizing Profit Under Monopoly -mr
- The Monopoly Markup -mr
- The Costs and Benefits of Monopoly -mr
- Monopoly module – Khan Academy
- Double monopoly – mr, example, applications
- New products often die – example of Google
- Monopolistic Competition -youtube
- Introduction to Price Discrimination -mr
- The Social Welfare of Price Discrimination -mr
- Tying -mr
- Bundling -mr
- Levmore: Monopolies as an Intro to Economics -44min film
- Homework 8
9. Oligopoly, market concentration Ch. 14,15
- Oligopolies and monopolistic competition – khan module
- Oligopoly – video
- Collusion -video
- Office Hours: Game Theory – mr, Nash equilibrium
- Game theory and Nash equilibrium – Khan
- Why parties in a cartel will cheat – Khan
- The Individual and The Group – Prisoner’s dilemma explained
- Youtube : Clip from “A Beautiful Mind”
- David Levine’s What is Game Theory? – UCLA
- Why do competitors open their stores next to one another? video
- Mergers -youtube
- Antitrust -youtube
- Regulation and monopoly – video
- Natural Monopoly – need Government Regulation– youtube
- Homework 9
10. Externalities and public goods
- Public goods – youtube
- Public vs. Private Goods – video
- Market failure, takes, subsidies – crash course
- Tragedy of the commons – youtube
- Externalities: When a Potato Chip Not Just a Potato Chip?-liberty
- Negative Externalities – with graph
- Externalities – youtube
- Market Failures – youtube
- An Introduction to Externalities – mru
- External Benefits – mru
- Command and Control Solutions – mru
- The Coase Theorem – mru
- Trading Pollution – mru
- A Deeper Look at Tradable Allowances – mru
- Externalities and Incentives: The Economics of COVID – mru
- Public Goods and Asteroid Defense – mru
- Deeper Look at Public Goods -mru
- Club Goods -mru
- The Tragedy of the Commons – mru
- Homework 10 – doc
11. Final project .
- Final project – doc
************************************************************************** Other resources
- 10 principles of economics translated by a standup economist
- Context-rich problems
- Economic thoughts of the day – Hamermesh
- Freakonomics reading – doc file
- http://www.perfectcompetition.net/ – online game
- Marginal Revolution – many videos and questions with answers
- The Atlantic – business section
- Bloomberg news – free news source
- WSJ Real Time Economics blog
- Freakonomics -podcasts
- We the economy – short films