Advanced-level course, Western Civilization gen ed
Email: Dr. Victoria Vernon, Empire State College
…”Capitalism makes social errors. Socialism makes capital errors.”
…”Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s the opposite.”
The rise and fall of the centrally planned economies was one of the most important events of the 20th Century. At its greatest extent the Soviet Union covered one-sixth of the Earth’s landmass. It spanned 11 time zones and contained over 100 distinct nationalities. In the 74 years from the October Revolution in 1917 to the fall of Communism in 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, its leaders and its people, had to face a number of challenges: the overthrow of the Tsarist autocracy, the establishment of a new state, four years of civil war, a famine, political strife, industrialization, collectivization, political repressions, World War II, post-war reconstruction, economic growth and decline. In this course we examine the origins of Communism, main events and policies in USSR, and the challenges of transition from central planning to a market system.
Choose any History of the USSR book, or study only from online resources. Suggested books are below. The goals is to learn history and demonstrate your knowledge via intelligent answers to discussion questions under each module. Chapter readings below are based on Kenez, other suggested books are similar in content. Books are cheap on, and free in your local library or on ESC e-Library .
History of the USSR :
- Peter Kenez, A History of the Soviet Union from the Beginning to the End
- Richard Sakwa, Soviet Politics in Perspective, 1998 – e-Library
- MacKenzie and Curran, Russia and the USSR in the Twentieth Century
- Gregory P. & Stuart R. Russian and Soviet Economic Performance and Structure (6th or 7th ed.), 1998 or 2001
- Spulber, Nicolas. Russia’s Economic Transitions, 2003 – e-Library
- Busky,Donald. From Utopian Socialism to the Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 2002 –e-Library
- Sakwa R, The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union, 1917-1991, 1999 – history viewed through a collection of documents
- (history after 1970) Kotkin, Stephen. Armageddon Averted: The Soviet Collapse, 1970-2000– e-Library
- White, Stephen, Communism and Its Collapse – e-Library
Topic, study links, homeworks
1. Origins of communism, Marx, Tsarist Russia (Kenez ch 1-2)
- Why Study Marx? – mruniversity video
- The Soviet Union: An Experiment in Marxism – mruniversity
- Introduction to the Labor Theory of Value – mruniversity
- Labor as the Source of Property Rights – mruniversity
- Subjective Value and Useful Labor – mruniversity
- Marx’s Exploitation Theory and Economies of Scale – mruniv
- From Marx to Lenin – mruniversity
- Dictatorship of the proletariat – mruniversity
- Planning to plan – mruniversity
- Corporatism: State Capitalism – mruniversity
- Engels, Marx, and Lenin on Planning – mruniversity
- The Bolshevik Vision – mruniversity
- Prerequisites to a Utopian Society -mruniversity
- Transformation to a Worker State – mruniversity
- Spiritual and Historical Outcomes of Common Ownership – mruniv
- Marx and Engels, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO – text
- Communist Manifesto –mp3 audio
- Marxism – article from Encyclopedia of Economics
- Failures of Marx – Yale lecture
- Karl Marx- BBC Documentary -Marx relevant today?
- Marxian class analysis – video lectures
- Marx and Engels – browse “Principles of Communism”
- What is dialectical materialism?
- Slides 1: Introduction
- HW1: Marxism
2. Soviet Union 1917-29: Revolution, War Communism, New Economic Policy (Kenez ch 2-4)
- Workers movement in Western Europe and Russia 1848-1917
- 3 clips about Russia before 1917 – bbc
- Introduction to the Russian Revolution – mr
- War Communism -mr
- Bolshevism and the Planned Economy – mr
- Money and Banking Under Lenin – mr
- Lenin’s First Five Year Plan – mr
- The Retreat from War Communism -mr
- Reintroducing Markets to Encourage Production -mr
- What Was the New Economic Policy? -mr
- Competition Between the State and Private Sector -mr
- History Sourcebook: “Tables Illustrating the Spread of Industrialization”
- Russian Revolution -timeline, “ten days that shook the world”
- Russian Revolution–Modern History Sourcebook
- Revolution in Russia 1917 – Film Century
- Russian Revolution: February – October 1917 -by Kreis
- Russian Revolution: Red October and the Bolshevik Coup– Kreis
- The Aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution–by Kreis
- Revolution and workers movements – from the book on Stalinism- why revolution in Russia?
- The Assassination of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov
- Overview of the Russian Civil War
- Early years of the Bolshevik Revolution
- The Russian Revolution: The Eastern Front in WW1
- Constitution of the Russian Soviet Republic, 1918
- Lenin Museum website or Lenin archive
- The Russian Revolution – Part 1 – 4 parts video
- (Part 1) Lenin: Revolutionary – Documentary + watch Parts 1-4, 10 min each
- Slides 2: First Policies
- HW2: First Policies
3. Stalin’s era 1929-1953: Collectivization, Industrialization, the Great Purges, GULAG, WW2
- USSR Industrialization and the Five Year Plans under Stalin – BBC
- Collectivization in the USSR
- Soviet Collectivization – pdf article from Soviet Studies, 1965
- Collectivization and Industrialization
- Notes on History of the Soviet Union – .doc
- The Soviet Union Facts, 1929
- Stalin – long documentary
- Private life of Stalin – in parts
- Stalin-Hitler pact, 1939
- The Age of Totalitarianism: Stalin and Hitler– by Steven Kreis
- Stalin’s Secret Police –in parts
- Repression and Terror: Stalin in Control
- Repression and Terror: Kirov Murder and Purges
- Secret Police
- The Gulag
- Stalin’s death camps
- Anti-Religious Campaigns
- Attacks on Intelligentsia: Early Attacks
- Attacks on Intelligentsia: Renewed Attacks
- Ukrainian Famine
- Deportations
- Jewish Antifascist Committee
- The Soviet Union and the United States
- Early Cooperation: American Famine Relief
- Early Cooperation: Economic Cooperation
- Soviet and American Communist Parties
- World War II: Wartime Alliance
- The isolation of the revolution – from Blunden, “Stalinism”
- Aftermath of WW2 – from Blunden, “Stalinism”
- Museum and communism: human rights – violations
- N I Bukharin’s last plea (from the 1938 Trial of the Bloc of Rights and Trotskyists) -show trial
- Slides 3: Stalin
- HW3: Stalin, great purges, WW2
4. Centrally Planned Economy: labor, managerial incentives, prices, money (Kenez ch 5-7)
- Price, Wages, and Planning From Marx to Lenin – mruniversity
- Learning from Mistakes in Central Planning -mr
- Soviet Lessons Learned About Labor and Democracy -mr
- Soviet Lessons Learned about Money, Capital and Interest -mr
- Command Economy– encyclopedia
- Command economy -animation & computer voice
- The Soviet economy around WII
- Earnings Differences by Gender in the Soviet Union – pdf article
- Classical Soviet-Type Economy – pdf article
- Microeconomic Aspects of Economic Growth in Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union –pdf, Guriev
- Guns and Rubles: 3 Podcasts on Soviet defense industry, military industrial complex
- The Lost World of Communism – documentary, in East and West Germany
- Ordinary Life in the USSR 1961
- Ellman,The Rise and Fall of Russian Central Planning – pdf book chapter, how plans were constructed
- Exchange Rates and Foreign Trade in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe – pdf
- Calculation of profit and loss in a planned economy – how wrong prices can lead to bad decisions
- Spulber, Russia’s economic transitions from late tsarism to the new millennium -log in using ESC id, “view ebook”, read part on Soviet economy
- Slides 4: Planning
- HW4: Centrally Planned Economy
5. Superpower 1950s-80s: cold war, slow down, reforms (Kenez Ch.8-9)
- Crash course – cold war for kids
- The Origins of the Cold War– by Steven Kreis
- Cold war events – timeline
- The Cold War: Definition, Causes & Early Events
- THE COLD WAR – PART 1: From World War to Cold War
- Cold War: Postwar Estrangement
- Cold War: Soviet Perspectives
- Cold War: Cuban Missile Crisis
- Who won the space race? – ted ed
- Ford signs agreement with Soviet Union
- The Best Enemy Money Can Buy – book on US aid to USSR during cold war, Sutton
- The Best Enemies Money Can Buy: An Interview with Prof. Antony C. Sutton – based on the above book
- The Costs of the Soviet Empire – article from Science, pdf
- The Soviet space program – 1982 video
- Soviet internal propaganda – CIA video
- The Soviet Media’s Portrait of America –cia
- Soviet propaganda and the revolution of 1917 – bbc
- Soviet propaganda machine during cold war
- Racial harmony in Soviet propaganda – Guardian article
- Failure of the political revolution – from Blunden, “Stalinism”
- The internal breakup of the system – – from Blunden, “Stalinism”
- Constitution of the USSR, 1977
- Attacks on Intelligentsia: Censorship
- Attacks on Intelligentsia: Suppressing Dissidents
- Andrei Sakharov pages – a dissident’s story
- Russian History Blog: Asif Siddiqi’s “The Sharashka Phenomenon”
- Slides 5: Reforms
- HW5: Superpower and Reforms
6. USSR in 1980-90s: Perestroika, collapse of the Soviet Empire (Kenez Ch.10-11)
- Glasnost and Perestroika -bbc
- Perestroika and Glasnost –
- Gorbachev, Glasnost, Perestroika, Arms Agreement
- Perestroika
- Chernobyl
- Reynolds, “Soviet Economic Decline: Did an Oil Crisis Cause the Transition in the Soviet Union?”
- End of the USSR – Discovery Channel, watch 2 parts
- How economic problems contributed to the end of the Soviet Union -bbc
- Intro chapter from Farm to Factory: A Reinterpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution, by R. Allen
- Soviet Economic Growth 1928-85 – pdf article
- The collapse of Eastern Europe – by Blunden, skip China part
- 1989: The Walls Came Tumbling Down – by Steven Kreis
- Video: Ronald Reagan Tells Russian Jokes
- Losing Soviet Control Over Eastern Europe 1
- Losing Soviet Control Over Eastern Europe 2
- The Collapse of the Soviet Union
- PBS Documentary – Commanding Heights Episode – Agony of Reform
- The Fall of the Soviet Union – song
- Jeffrey Sachs on reforms in USSR and his role in the reforms
- Aslund, Russia’s Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed – googlebooks, ch 1
- Sakwa, Soviet politics in perspective -log in using ESC id, “view ebook”
- Slides 6: Collapse
- HW6: Collapse of USSR
7. Transition from plan to market
- Aslund, Russia’s Capitalist Revolution: Why Market Reform Succeeded and Democracy Failed – googlebooks
- Transition Economies: Performance and Challenges, pdf, JEP 2002
- Dimensions of Transition in Russia, pdf by Ickes , skip technical parts
- Russia’s virtual economy – Ickes and Gaddy
- CIA report on the last year of USSR – C-Span video
- Article about the first stage of privatization in Russia
- Spulber, Russia’s economic transitions from late tsarism to the new millennium -log in using ESC id, “view ebook”, read part on transition
- Kotkin, Armageddon averted the Soviet collapse, 1970-2000 -log in using ESC id, “view ebook”
- Enterprise Restructuring in the former Soviet Union by D.Galbi
- Unemployment in Eastern and Central Europe by D.Galbi
- Economic Disintegration matters – paper from Brookings
- How to Make a Billion Dollars. –pbs frontline
- Russia: Island on the Edge
- Moscow: Rich In Russia
- WSJ 2009: Good article on understanding Russia
- Former republics of USSR – by Blunden
- Did markets fail in post-Soviet republics? – learn liberty
- Slides 7: Transition
- HW7: Transition
8. Economic systems
- Stages of Central Planning and Marxism in the Soviet Union -mruniversity
- Lessons for Public versus Private Ownership – mruniversity
- Austrian Predictions About Socialist Russia -mr
- Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History
- Economics systems – economics online
- Capitalism: Can order be unplanned?
- Capitalism: Spontaneous Order and the Market Process
- Capitalism: The Price System, Part II: Profits & Losses
- Capitalism: Profit, Loss and Discovery
- Property Rights 1: Private v. Collective – why collective does not work – video
- Khan Academy’s “Communism”
- Milton Friedman – The role of government in a free society video
- Interview with Milton Friedman – video, free market theory
- Libertarianism, role of the state, interview with Friedman – video
- The Road To Serfdom – by Hayek, critical of central planning, cartoon
- Government regulation -click video, critical of government
- PBS Documentary – Commanding Heights Episode 1 – The Battle of Ideas
- Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, Mises
- Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, Mises
- HW8: Economic systems
Final project: Book report or research article (8-10 pages, choose one)
Book report
Describe the story line or book organization. Mention several new facts you have learned from this book. Quote the book. Comment on one aspect or element of the Soviet life in the 1930-50s that drew your attention. It could be related to working conditions, social interactions, popular attitudes toward Soviet economic policy, values, or the operation of the economic system. For an excellent grade research a bit more around the subject and add 2-3 more sources to your report (sources may include videos, audio books, newspaper artices, etc).
Suggested books
- Gregory, Lazarev. 2003. The Economics of Forced Labor: The Soviet Gulag. – online book
- Fitzpatrick, Sheila. Everyday Stalinism: Ordinary life in extraordinary times: Soviet Russia in the 1930s. – e-Library
- Applebaum, Anne. Gulag: A History, 2004 Intro chapter from this book – e-Library
- Kotkin, Stephen, Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism As a Civilization
- Paul Gregory’s The Political Economy of Stalinism. Preview this book here.
- Boobbyer, Philip. Stalin Era, 2000– collection of documents – e-Library
- Alexander Solzhenitsyn, GULAG Archipelago – fiction
- Solzhenitsyn, One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich -fiction
- Rybakov, Children of the Arbat – fiction
- any other book or a movie of your choice on Stalin era
Research article
Come up with your own project idea and have it approved, or use one below.
Country project idea
Choose a country, research the country’s experience with socialism, and write an article based on your research. The article should be 10 pages, including graphs, charts and references. List of countries: Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, East Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus. Suggested structure for the expert article
- Before central planning. Give a brief overview of the country’s economy before it became centrally planned. What were irs leading industries? Was it open to trade? What was the appeal of communism?
- Central planning. What policies were implemented under central planning? Which industries developed? Where appropriate, connect main events, policies and attempts to reform in the country of your choice to the events and policies in Russia. How did the economy perform relative to other countries? What were the main achievements and drawbacks of the regime?
- Transition. How was it implemented? Mention trends in output, privatization, rule of law, poverty, social safety net, key government policies. Discuss successful policies and failed policies. Has the country built a market economy?
- Economy today. Where does the country stand relative to the rest of the world? Discuss current state of the economy, leading industries, trade with other countries, major issues and problems to be solved.
- One current economic issue. Pick one issue specific to this country (eg: exchange rate, health, education-related, corruption, environment, hi tech sector, immigration).Discuss why it is important and recent developments. Give a few numbers. If it is a problem, how is it being addressed? Suggest what policies can solve it. Remember to focus on the ECONOMY and ECONOMIC policies, and less on politics, geography and everything else.
Other research ideas
- Emergence of capitalism in Tsarist Russia
- Culture, theater, sports, or science in USSR
- Income inequality in the Former Soviet Union
- Brain drain from the former Soviet Union
- Gender issues in the USSR
- Forced migration in the USSR
- Corruption under central planning
- Black markets under central planning
- The rule of law and organized crime in today’s Russia.
Here is a sample article written by a student on one of the issues. Below are resources for your research.
- The World Factbook by CIA
- Summary of economic development by country – includes transition countries, 1910- present, by category, PBS
- | Country Briefings: Russia
- Library of Congress, Country Studies – choose a country
- Country studies – more from the US Library of Congress
- Country Information from IMF
- Country Information from Anti-Corruption Gateway
- UN European statistics – economics, gender, transportation
- Transitions Online– news coverage of all transition countries
- Ch. 1 from The Central Asian Economies Since Independence. Richard Pomfret
- IMF on “The Rise and Fall of Albania’s Pyramid Schemes”
- Chapter from Institutional Change and Economic Behavior , by Roland et al.
- S.Fischer, Doing Business in Central and Eastern Europe: Economic Challenges and Opportunities
- Twenty-Five Lectures on Modern Balkan History
- Ukraine from National Geographic
- USAID – Russia and Eastern Europe
- 20 years later- how do post-Soviet economies compare? – guardian
- Soviet Economy 1917-1991 – vox
- Inequality in the Soviet Union and after – vox
- Youtube: Russia – Land Of The Tsars 1
- Russia, the Kievan Rus, and the Mongols: Crash Course – for kids
- Color Photos of Tsarist Russia
- Brookings Institutions – on Russia
- Hoover Institutions – on Russian economy
- Russia’s Uncertain Economic Future – book in .pdf
- Moscow Times
- Soviet Music, Posters , etc
- Soviet and Russian songs, site in Russian
- NYTimes – Russia
- Communism: articles, videos, posters
- Interfax News Agency – good source of economic news by region
- Transition Newsletter has information and short articles about transition.
- World Bank Transition Newsletter
- Bank of Finland’s Institute for Economies in Transition (BOFIT) weekly
- CNN—Europe
- NY Times—Europe
- BBC—Europe
- RFE/RL NewsLine
- EurasiaNet
- WPS Media Monitoring Agency
- Russian and East European Network Information
- Daily news about Central Europe
- IET Analytical Centre Agri-Food Economy;
- RECEP- “Russian Economic Trends-Monthly”
- Economics Education & Research Consortium: Russia .
- Russian economy, overview from Citibank
- Johnson’s Russia List – news
- Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE)
- World Bank Research -working papers on transition
- IMF Finance and Development, a quarterly publication of the IMF with articles on transition
- Center for Economic Research and Transformation (CERT)
- EBRD publications
- Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
- RAND Center for Russia and Eurasia
- PERSA working Papers: Political Economy Research
- Heritage Foundation Eurasia research
- Video about North Korea:
- Pictures on North Korea, commentaries in Russian
- Social Security Programs Throughout the World – US government data from Social Security Admin
- Soviet Archives, working papers – Warwick
- Pictures from the Soviet Union
-’s “Oil Industry”
- Alexander Palace – Nicholas II’s court-Russian history site
- Lenin, State and Revolution (1917) –book by Lenin, optional
- Leon Trotsky, History of the Russian Revolution (1930)–optional
- Industrial Expansion in Tsarist Russia –optional pdf article
- Das Kapital (1867) – full text, in English – very optional
- Russia after the Global Economic Crisis – several chapters
GOOD FICTION WORTH READING, full texts in English:
Ilf and Petrov, The Twelve Chairs Free Water by B.Caplan, funny George Orwell, “1984”