The digital revolution is transforming the way we work and rest. Smart phones are replacing newspapers, books, banks and classrooms. Robots, 3D printers, bitcoin, drones, big data and genetic testing are revolutionizing entire industries. Advances in biotechnology, renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and the spread of the internet will help us solve many challenges of civilization such as poverty, disease, wars and pollution. Yet the world will face new choices around security, surveillance and intellectual property. Will robots replace your job? Is the world entering the age of abundance or the era of mass unemployment? What makes a company innovative? Where can you find a new idea for business? In this course we will examine global technology trends and their impact on the world economy, local business environment, and your future. Instructor:
Modules, study links
1. History of technology: 4 industrial revolutions
- The hockey stick of rising prosperity 3min video
- Division of Labor: Burgers and Ships – 3min
- How the Division of Knowledge Saved My Son’s Life – 4min
- An Orgy of Innovation – 3min
- 11 innovations that changed history –
- Coal, Steam, and The Industrial Revolution -crashcourse
- Market Revolution: Crash Course –1800-50
- How inventions change history (for better or worse) -cotton gin
- Rosling: The magic washing machine – greatest invention?
- How air conditioning invented modern world – Tim Harford
- How farming planted seeds for the internet -ted ed
- Historical timeline – share of farmers in US labor force – timeline
- What was the greatest era for innovation – US story, nytimes
- The capitalist revolution – read ch 1
- Globalization crash course – 11 min and Part 2 of Globalization
- What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? – wef
- Discussion questions 1
2. 21st Century innovations
- Pearlstein on newspapers – how internet killed newspapers
- The 7 technologies changing your world – wef
- 6 Technologies That Hit Their Tipping Points in 2015 -singularity
- browse through MOOCs
- Will technology revolutionize education? -maybe not
- Virtual shopping in Korea – will online shopping replace stores?
- Inside OKCupid: The math of online dating – marriage markets
- 3D Printing and the Future of Stuff– vsauce
- How to print out your own house – if you are interested
- Soon you’ll download your new clothes – 6min talk
- The future of medicine – 3D printing of human kidney
- Next 10 years in car tech – digital trends
- The future of auto industry – mckinsey
- The ethical dilemma of self-driving cars – 4min video
- Isaac Asimov’s predictions true? – or not true
- Discussion questions 2
3. Robots, drones and superpowers
- BMW produced by robots – it’s happening
- A world without work – Atlantic
- Will Robots Steal Your Job? – slate, 5 parts, click each to read
- Robot doctors, online lawyers, automated architects– guardian
- Robots are replacing us – Wired, jobs in danger
- Technology has created more jobs than it destroyed – Guardian
- US textile factories return without people – nytimes
- Income inequality and automation – guardian
- Race Against the Machine: McAfee – ted, new economy won’t need many workers
- Rowan: A new kind of job market – ted, employers can book workers for slivers of time
- You don’t have to work to get paid – atlantic, basic income
- Will drones save us or destroy us? – ted
- Some good things drones can do – peaceful applications
- The Turing test: Can a computer pass for a human? -not yet
- 2029 : Singularity Year – Neil deGrasse Tyson & Kurzweil – video
- Ray Kurzweil explains singularity -bigthink
- Kaku: What does the future look like? -50 min
- Ray Kurzweil: presentation in Silicon Valley 2013 – 1h
- Are We Ready For the Coming ‘Age of Abundance?’ -Kaku, Diamandis & others, 1h
- Bostrom: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? – ted, artificial intelligence issues
- Ray Kurzweil: biotechnology will stop aging – 5min
- Ray Kurzweil — Immortality by 2045 – possible?
- Do we want immortality superpower? -cartoon
- Flight – superpower – impossible
- Discussion questions 3
tech news sources:
4. Disruptive business models
- The $99 billion idea – Bloomberg
- Welcome to the new reputation economy – wired
- Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust
- New products often die – Google
- 6 successful people who did not finish college -worth it?
- America’s riches immigrants – forbes
- Where good ideas come from -Johnson -networks
- What Is The PERFECT Idea?? – ask Jay youtube
- Ask Jay – Repeating a Successful Idea in Your Country – ask Jay
- Where can one get startup ideas? – Paul Graham
- Elon Musk: the world’s raddest man – wait but why
- Successful entrepreneurs under 17 – businessweek
- – market for services, an innovative idea
- How to make money on the internet and unconventional business ideas– Chris Guillebeau
- Companies trapped by colonial economics? – Rushkoff bigthink
- Discussion questions 4
5. Economic issues of the digital age
- Network externalities – video
- Understanding network effects – pdf chapter
- The age of big data – NYTimes
- -finance a project without a bank
- -crowd fund an idea
- – X prize foundation
- Bitcoin 101 – Understanding Bitcoin (pt. 1 of 3) – A Beginner’s Guide (With Help from Wikipedia)
- Bitcoin-how does it work? – electronic money will complete with government money
- Creating Our Own Money: Introduction and examples video
- Bitcoin Fever Has Spawned 100+ Copycat Cryptocurrencies
- Bitcoin Is Flawed, But It Will Still Take Over the World
- Bitcoin problems – the atlantic
- Free! The Future of Prices – Wired
- Free! The Future of a Radical Price – Chris Andersen’s book, pdf
- Discussion questions 5
6. Innovations for developing countries
Marginal Revolution University videos:
- Basic Facts of Growth and Development – mruniversity
- Guns, Germs and Steel: The Very Long Run – why are some countries rich and some poor?
- How Persistent is Prosperity?
- The Middle income trap
- The Importance of Institutions
- The Effect of Geography on Institutions
- The Reversal of Fortune –countries that were rich are now poor
- Development and Trade: Empirical Evidence–openness&growth
- Geography and Development, Trade
- Education and economic growth
- Trust and economic growth
- Finance and Growth
- Property Rights : Titling
- Corruption and Growth
- Economic Freedom and a Better Life
- Economic Freedom and Growth
- The Power of Property Rights
- Roving and Stationary Bandits
- African Borders and Conflict
- Mobile phones and literacy – mruniversity
- Corruption and tech transfer – mruniversity
Other resources:
- Human development index – UN comparisons
- CIA country rankings – country comparisons
- Rosling: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes -health progress
- Paul Collier on the “bottom billion” – TED, how to help
- Taking financial services to Africa – the Guardian
- UN sustainable development goals – UN site
- What is a social entrepreneur? –
- Explainer: What is a social entrepreneur – wef
- Shwab foundation for social entrepreneurship
- 10 lessons from social entrepreneurs – wef
- 30 under 30 social entrepreneurs – forbes
- World economic forum Social Innovation Guide – global
- Discussion questions 6
7. Can technology solve the old world problems?
- TED: Diamandis: Abundance is our future – we’ll invent ways to solve future challenges
- R.Muller, Physics for future presidents – chapter on Climate change and solutions
- 3 Extreme Climate Fixes -scishow – tech & climate change
- Brand: 4 environmental ‘heresies’ -TED -cities, nuclear, GMO, geo-engineering
- Map of current conflicts – Council on Foreign Relations
- Anderson: How web video powers global innovation -ted
- GMOs – mruniversity
- Lab-Grown Meat – scishow
- Infographic: 40% of food in the world is wasted – rich and poor
- Can We Genetically Improve Intelligence? – vsauce
- Can You Genetically Enhance Yourself? – visauce
- The future of materials – smart shapes, bloomberg
- Engineering textiles to keep us healthy and happy – podcast,text
- The Good Life –economic growth and happiness, 2min
- World’s most innovative companies 2015 -fastcompany
- Discussion questions 7
8. Cyber-problems: crime, security, surveillance, intellectual property rights
- Global risks report 2016 – WEF
- Kaku: Will mankind destroy itself? -bigthink
- Michio Kaku: The Dark Side of Technology – bigthink
- Ray Kurzweil: The Coming Singularity -bigthink, downsides
- Goodman: A vision of crimes in the future –ted
- “Mikko Hypponen: Three Types of Online Attack” -ted
- ‘Crypto Anarchist’ Wants Everyone to Print Guns -3D print guns
- Sending spam emails, collecting personal information – crime?
- Kafka, meet Orwell: the modern surveillance state -UK
- Why ‘I Have Nothing to Hide’ Is the Wrong Way to Think About Surveillance -wired, why privacy is important
- How cell phones can be the next big brother – Havard law prof
- Even basic phone logs can reveal personal information – guardian
- Predictive policing – ebook on using data in solving crime
intellectual property:
- Intellectual Property Law – what is IP from legal point of view?
- How To Protect Your Ideas – Patents! – ask jay opinion
- On the Ownership of Ideas – Green brothers
- Everything is a Remix – The trouble with intellectual property – new ideas start with copying
- Ferguson: Embrace the remix – ted
- 3 Ways to think about Intellectual Property
- Case Against Intellectual Property
- End Software Patents w/ Alex Tabarrok – economist’s view
- Problems with patents – bigthink
- Problems with software patents – forbes
- How to fight a patent troll – ted
- FB vs Yahoo patent lawsuits
- Can Artists Make Money Without Copyrights? – learnliberty
- Copyright and music -mruniversity
- “Guerilla Open Access Manifesto” – Internet Archive -A Schwartz
- Quantum medicine – downloadable drugs, ridiculous tech
- Discussion questions 8
The goal of the final project is to develop expertise in a narrow issue related to technology and economy. Options for the final project:
- A business plan for a $100 startup.
In this assignment you are asked to think of an idea for a $100 startup business. You can come up with an original idea or borrow an existing business model from an established company (for example from Air B&B, Uber, Twitter, PirateBay, HelpX, etc). Alternatively, you can think of ways to transform an existing business with $100 and a new clever strategy. Key requirements: your model must use the internet for transactions, customer reviews, advertising, and some interactions with customers. Your business may be built around a social entrepreneurship idea or a pure profit idea. Suggested resources are below. Explain:
- 1. What you will sell?
- 2. Who will buy it?
- 3. How your business will help people? (Why would people want to buy your service? How does it create value?)
- 4. Why will your service be better than that of your competitors?
- 5. How will you get paid- before, after, during service?
- 6. How will you use the internet for transactions, customer reviews and advertising?
- 7. How else will you make money from this project?
- 8. How will customers learn about your business?
- 9. How can you encourage referrals?
- 10. The project will be successful when it achieves what number of customers (or what level of annual income)?
- 11. What is one potential obstacle or challenge that you are most concerned about? How are you planning to address it?
- 12. Add any other details that may be important for understanding your idea.
- One page business plan – pdf file
- The $100 Startup: Chapters 1 and 2 -youtube based on a book by Guillebeau
- How to make money on the internet and unconventional business ideas– Chris Guillebeau
2. Choose an innovative company that either promotes a sharing economy (Uber, Zipcar, WeWork, Instacart, Rent the Runway, ThredUp, Chegg), on demand service (Postmates, Seamless, UberRUSH, FreshDirect), or a company that is disrupting a “traditional” industry model (Casper, Warby Parker, even Netflix). Analyze the company’s business model – sources of revenue, marketing strategies, employee compensation schemes, who its competitors are, whether the new business model works better than the old-fashioned service that the company replaced, and what challenges might lie ahead.
3. Your project may focus on technology trends in a specific industry, such as medicine, fitness, policing, finance, law enforcement, food, transportation, city management, or something else. Useful links:
- – site with numerous analytics findings
4. Read the rest of the book “Free! The future of prices”. Make up 10 questions based on this book and answer those questions. Both questions and answers will be evaluated for depth and clarity. Try to also think of interesting questions that ask for a comparison or analysis of different strategies.
- Free! The Future of a Radical Price – Chris Andersen’s book
5. Book discussion. Read a book on the future of technology and record how the changes will affect the economy, our decisions or the way we do business. Share your thoughts. Many books are available from the non-fiction shelf in your public library. For example:
- Content, audiobook by Doctorow -restricting info is a bad idea
- Against Intellectual Monopoly – online book
- Predictive policing – ebook on using data in solving crime
- Future Imperfect – online book by David Friedman
- Friedman on Future Imperfect – book talk
- Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable
- Nick Bostrom, Superintelligence: Path, Dangers, Strategies
- Michio Kaku, The Future of the Mind
- Eggers and Macmillan, The Solution Revolution: How Business, Government and Social Enterprises are Teaming Up to Solve Society’s Toughest Problems .
- A.Townsend, Smart Cities: Big Data, Civic hackers, and the Quest for a New Utopia.
- Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier – on surveillance
- Christian Rudder, Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking) – the founder of OKCupid describes our behavior online in dating and other settings
- The Signal And The Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don’t by Nate Silver. – on predictions
- Predictive Analytics: The Power To Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die by Eric Siegel. – how predictive analytics works.
- Uncontrolled: The Surprising Payoff Of of Trial-and-Error For Business, Politics, and Society by Jim Manzi. – decisions are often made based on misinterpreted data and statistics.
Extra resources
- Copyright, intellectual property, creative commons – bbc video
- TED Goldin: Navigating our global future – interdependence, complexity, new challenges
- Technology and globalization research and news – harvard
- Nicholas Christakis: Sociological Science Behind Social Networks & Social Influence
- Private Rights and Public Problems: The Global Economics of Intellectual Property in the 21st Century -book
- RSA Animate – Crises of Capitalism
- Information Technology – textbook from Saylor
- Strategic Information Technology course – Saylor
- Business Process and Info Tech – book online
- Harvard Law lecture: “Aaron’s Law”-starts at min 9
- Financial innovations explained – PBS
- D.Friedman: Legal Issues of the 21st Century
- The great global divide: inequality
- Troubleshooting the World -ted ed
- “The World in 2030” by Dr. Michio Kaku – video
- Ray Kurzweil: When mind and machines become one -50 min
- Ray Kurzweil: What does the future look like? -60 min
- Life in the future documentary on technology and science
- WSJ digits tech blog
- Future economics and technology – Martin Ford’s blog
- Princeton CITP lectures – youtube
- Industrial revolution BBC film – optional, why in Britain?
- Brief History of the Internet – internet society
- Hans Rosling: End of poverty – film 2015
- Social skills and automation – jobs